Posts Tagged ‘World of Warcraft’

World-building Fodder: Adventurers and Economy

Bringing you another post from Worldbuilderblog, about how Adventurers can influence and bring in a whole new economical function to the society within the world you have built. This is something to consider if you want to make your world feel lively and progressive in what it is doing. You cannot get to the point to where either its impossible to make money, or your protagonist or character has too much money to spend and their isn’t any reason for them to get involved in the world in some form. Games I believe who have decent economy systems are typically MMOs like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2, Everquest and recent single player games like Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood and Civ 5. Books don’t usually always go so in depth into economy but board games typically present it quite well, I haven’t played too many good ones but maybe you can recommend me some good ones. See you in the next post!